
The four thematic WPs addressing the workstreams envisaged by the call will develop their activities as follows:

WP1: The overall methodology of WP1 is based on the creation and exploitation of theoretical and simulation analyses in combination with experimental tests.

WP2: Moving from the existing know-how, available in the project consortium, related to stationary, semi/quasi dynamic and dynamic WPT systems, the different possible configurations will be evaluated and the specifications of opportunistic charging strategies will be identified.

WP3: The only way to obtain dependable information about the reliability and the lifetime of a semiconductor device is accelerated testing, i.e. testing under harsher conditions than the devices will encounter in normal field operation. Therefore, the main activity of the work package is lifetime testing of SiC MOSFET modules in the laboratory, using accelerated testing and simulations.

WP4: The overall methodology of WP4 of this project is based on two interconnected steps:
  • The analysis of the real opportunities and needs of the train industry for improving operation and maintenance plans, based on research activity.
  • The development of the algorithms for the smart predictive maintenance, based on big data. This concerns the conceptualization, design and realization of ground breaking predictive technologies.

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